Tight financial margins are not kind to political squabbles. In the last few weeks the city of Los Angeles has been engaged in a squabble with the city council and its utility, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power… Continue Reading →
All expectations are that Harrisburg will miss its payment to Covanta, the incinerator operator, as reported widely in the municipal finance media. Concerning the city’s ability to file Chapter 9 without going through Act 47, see my post about Westfall’s… Continue Reading →
I just came across this blog from John Moorlach, Orange County. Scroll down for a “five year lookback” on the discussion about San Diego, thought you might find it of interest.
Westfall Township, Pennsylvania filed a Chapter 9 bankruptcy petition in April, 2009 and the court confirmed a reorganization plan in March, 2010. According to the law firm that handled the case: Westfall Township, located in Pike County, PA, was saddled… Continue Reading →
I am adding a link to this article that updates Toledo’s fiscal situation. (See prior post.) The city is wrestling with a budget gap and trying to negotiate with unions over compensation. Ohio is a state that has a fiscal emergency… Continue Reading →
Here is an interesting clip from MLive about the debate over Flint’s dire finances. Michigan has a receivership program that has been used a number of times so municipalities cannot just file bankruptcy in federal court without going through the… Continue Reading →
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