How do we strengthen the workforce and attract talent when student debt is so high and we have lost teachers and experts during the “Great Resignation”? As mentioned in Part Three, Trulia, a subsidiary of the Zillow group, has put… Continue Reading →
On behalf of the Milken Institute, Center for Financial Markets I recently interviewed five practitioners, who each took different paths to become successful in banking, economic development, bond insurance underwriting, national association leadership and regulatory education. To give early and… Continue Reading →
We take a ramble through municipal bond volume and trading activity, caution readers about year-over-year (YOY) comparisons, discuss the consequences of COVID migration patterns in the context of static population growth, raise potential credit concerns and comment on the unnecessary… Continue Reading →
“Over the last year, 18 states have proposed or adopted state legislation or regulation limiting the ability of the state government, including public retirement plans, to do business with entities that are identified as ‘boycotting’ certain industries based on environmental,… Continue Reading →
Awareness of embedded bias in US institutions, both public and private has emerged again, at this point in history; perhaps the result of George Floyd’s murder and the Black Lives Matter movement; perhaps the emergence and growth of ESG (environment,… Continue Reading →
We take a run through three key trends we think are likely to negatively affect health, welfare, property and fiscal conditions in H2 2022 and over the next few years. Heat: Rising Temperatures are No Joke Heat waves crossing the… Continue Reading →
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