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Category Taxes, Taxpayers and the Economy

Oregon Tax Hikes Passed by Voters

Oregon voters passed Propositions 66 and 67 yesterday which support Governor Kulongowski’s budget proposal.  The following link will give you detail on the propositions, the vote, the key donors to each campaign and the groups advocating pro and con.  Oregon is… Continue Reading →

Direct Democracy and Ballot Initiatives

Midterm congressional elections will be lively this year.   Conditions are ripe for tax and spending initiatives and numerous recall elections are also on the popular agenda.  Budget deficits, rising taxation and runaway spending are factors leading to tax and spending limitations. … Continue Reading →

Sales taxes, shopping malls and municipal bonds

It’s not news that consumer spending is off, but in municipal bond country this also means sales taxes are coming in lower.  Some communities, such as those that depend on major shopping malls may see a double whammy from their… Continue Reading →

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