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Tag fiscal stress

Is the State of Illinois Insolvent?

The Illinois Comptroller’s April report  is scary reading.  The state is $4.5 billion in arrears on payments to vendors and others (like school districts and service providers) with no end in sight.  The Comptroller expects 2011 to be worse.  The following chart… Continue Reading →

The “b-word” (bankruptcy), fiscal stress and small town struggles

An article about upstate New York town of Kingston and their discussion of fiscal stress, union contracts and the debate over Chapter 9 bankruptcy.

Orange County, San Diego and the municipal bankruptcy discussion

I just came across this blog from John Moorlach, Orange County.  Scroll down for a “five year lookback” on the discussion about San Diego, thought you might find it of interest.

Ratings Notching, Wall Street Reform and Systemic Risk

The financial reform proposals, designed to eliminate systemic risk, could actually trigger another meltdown upon the bill’s passage.  This is due to the ratings notching approach that has given rating credit to government support since the meltdown.  A change in… Continue Reading →

Ohio Fiscal Emergencies

I am adding a link to this article that updates Toledo’s fiscal situation.  (See prior post.)  The city is wrestling with a budget gap and trying to negotiate with unions over compensation.  Ohio is a state that has a fiscal emergency… Continue Reading →

State and Local Spending Increases 1982-2007

The tables below are for contextual reference as state and local governments face draconian spending cuts.   The combination of public policy with the several bubble periods over the last twenty-five years has created a toxic brew.  Some state and local governments are… Continue Reading →

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