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Tag Florida

Weather, ‘Tis No Blur in the Mind

The Colorado State University Center for Tropical Weather and Climate Research will issue its first forecasts for the 2024 Atlantic Basin hurricane season on April 4 at 10am EDT.  Elsewhere, in Sarasota, Florida, the recently formed Climate Adaptation Center is… Continue Reading →

ESG Backlash: The Great Political Pillow Fight of 2022*

“Over the last year, 18 states have proposed or adopted state legislation or regulation limiting the ability of the state government, including public retirement plans, to do business with entities that are identified as ‘boycotting’ certain industries based on environmental,… Continue Reading →

The BP Oil Spill and Municipal Bonds

It couldn’t come at a worse time.  The 53 Gulf Coast counties in Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas look forward to peak summer months when tourists flock to beach resorts, casinos and summer homes.  This year the tourists are… Continue Reading →

Hurricane Season and Municipal Bonds

June 1st marks the beginning of hurricane season.  It’s been quiet for a few years but forecasters are predicting a more active 2010 season.  Here are a few thoughts for analyzing the links to municipal bonds.  Gray and Klotzbacher of… Continue Reading →

Direct Democracy and Ballot Initiatives

Midterm congressional elections will be lively this year.   Conditions are ripe for tax and spending initiatives and numerous recall elections are also on the popular agenda.  Budget deficits, rising taxation and runaway spending are factors leading to tax and spending limitations. … Continue Reading →

From Mortgage Resets to Mortgage Recasts

A particularly toxic form of adjustable rate mortgage is going to hit the headlines in the spring and summer of 2010 with defaults, foreclosures and workout discussions extending into 2012.  “Option ARMs” also known as “Pick-a-pay” allow the borrower to… Continue Reading →

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